<aside> ⚠️ Drafter panel is only available in Revit 2018 and newest.



1 - Gather Onfly collections data.

When you click on this icon, the drafter will show you all your available collections in Onfly. After that, you will see a preview of each published object and compatible with your Revit version (you still won't be able to place any objects in your model).

<aside> ⚠️ Drafter panel shows only the published content.


2 - Open collection page

When you click on this icon, the drafter will redirect you to the collection page through the plugin.

3 - Select one of your Onfly collections

This dropdown menu will allow you to select one collection of your Onfly. The first time you open drafter, there will not appear anything and you will need to click in the icon number 1 in order to have all the available collections in the selected Onfly.

4 - Enter an expression to filter objects and/or model names

This search bar will allow you to find objects using the name of the object or the name of the file.

5 - Select one of the categories

This dropdown menu will allow you to filter the selected collection using the Revit categories classification. You will be able to select one category at the same time.

6 - Download objects for current collection

Once you have selected an Onfly collection, you will click on this icon in order to download all the published objects inside it.

<aside> ⚠️ This process can take a few minutes, but you just need to do it the first time.


7 - Download objects for all collections ‼️

If you want to download all the collections at the same time, you can click on this icon. After the process concludes, you will have all your available collections ready to use in Revit.

<aside> ⚠️ This process can take a long time. All the collections and their objects inside will be downloaded to your computer.
