After clicking on the "Create a new classification" button, a popin is displayed which propose two options:

Create or edit a classification


Name and description of the classification

The name and description of the classification can be translated into any language.


Change language with the drop-down menu to change the language and translate your classification name and description.


This is a text field that allows you to version your classification.

Mandatory classification

The administrator who manages the classifications has the power to make the classification mandatory.

To publish an object, it will be mandatory to reference it within this classification. To do this, simply edit the classification via the option menu.

The screen then allows you to make this classification mandatory via a toggle button "Classification mandatory".

If an object is not classified but the classification is mandatory, it will be impossible to publish the object. A message will appear during the publication phase to inform you that the classification is mandatory.

Code and Name fields of a classification

It is also possible to define the properties of the dictionary that will carry the name and code of the classification in the objects.

As soon as your objects are classified, these properties will be automatically filled with the code and name values of the classification node.

Select the appropriate property in each field