The "Documents" tab, the 6th step of the object editor, allows you to add several documents for each variant of a BIM object. The document is either uploaded to the platform from your computer or added as an URL to a webpage.


The documents common to all variants are grouped together at the top of the page, then the documents specific to each variant are displayed.

Add a document

When you click on the "Add a document" button, a window is displayed to define the document you wish to add. It is also possible to add a document only on a variant using the button "Add a document to this reference", in this case, the variant is already pre-selected.

Import a file


  1. Choose the file: Click on Browse to select the document to import from your computer. The formats that can be uploaded are ""
  2. Language: This menu allows you to choose the language of the document. If the document has several languages you can select Multilingual.
  3. Name : You fill in the name of the document that will appear on the object. By default it automatically takes the name of the file.
  4. Type of document: This non-mandatory heading allows you to classify the document via a list that is proposed to you (Environmental product declaration, Declaration of performance, Maintenance guide, User's manual, Installation guide, Catalogue, Technical file, Other). If no type is chosen, the document will be classified in Other by default.
  5. Selection of the variant : This field allows you to select the variant(s) of the object that will own this document.

<aside> ⚠️ If you do not specify any variant, then the document will be available for all variants..


Add an external link

  1. File URL: Copy/Paste the URL of your document into this field.
  2. Language : This menu allows you to choose the language of the document. If this one has several you can select Multilingual.
  3. Name : You fill in the name of the document that will appear on the object
  4. Type of document: This non-mandatory heading allows you to classify the document via a list that is proposed to you (Environmental product declaration, Declaration of performance, Maintenance guide, User's manual, Installation guide, Catalogue, Technical file, Other). If no type is chosen, the document will be classified in Other by default.
  5. Selection of the variant : This field allows you to select the variant(s) of the object that will own this document.