Objects list

This page displays all the objects coming from your spaces or from the public library. This page is the essential element of your platform. It allows you to search, filter and select the best BIM object for your use and then download them.


By default, the list contains all the objects added to the platform.

The objects are displayed in the form of a card with the essential information. By clicking on a card, it expands to display even more data.

The upper part allows you to search from your input among the objects of the platform. An advanced search] can be performed using search filters, on manufacturers, classifications and even properties.


Order the list

You can choose the order of the list of objects by choosing between, Creation date, Modification date or Alphabetic order.


<aside> ⚠️ Depending on your role, you will only see published objects, or all objects. Access to editing objects is also determined by your role.
