
The dictionary is the centralized and private repository for information about company data. In other words, it is the list of properties that can be used in objects and projects. This dictionary consists of properties of products (thermal efficiency, color, power...) used regularly by the different entities of the company.

Properties can be borrowed from the BIM&Co dictionary (or another repository such as CoBie for example), or private and only available to members.


Properties can be borrowed from the BIM&Co dictionary or another repository like CoBie for example, or private and only available to members.

The properties are displayed as a list. It is possible to search for a particular property with the search field.

Depending on the language of your application, the properties are displayed differently in each language depending on the added translations.


A property is an inherent or acquired characteristic of an element. For example thermal efficiency, color, power…


According to Standard 12006-3 and Pr En ISO 23 386/7, properties are defined by a set of attributes. Some attributes are mandatory

and other optional ones