A space can be considered a sub-environment of the main space. Each space has its own URL to customize it and secure access to the main space.


Users & Roles

Administrators can add users who will have access, whether they are internal or external to the main space. Roles are customizable by space allowing flexibility for different projects and stakeholders.


Objects can be added to spaces directly with the plugin by connecting to the appropriate URL or by duplicating them in the Object Management of the central space.


By default, the classifications of the Central space are automatically accessible in read-only mode, but these new spaces can be enriched with new more specific classifications.


The dictionary of the central space is made available in read-only mode in each of the other spaces, so it cannot be directly enriched. Likewise, properties are taken from the central space, so they cannot be modified.


In the plugin, a space is presented as a central space. You have to make sure that you connect to the right space in the plugin preferences.