The purpose of this page is to find the right object from your library. In order to achieve this goal, you can search and filter the objects as you go along to quickly find those that correspond to your needs.
These filters are obviously combined with the simple search already mentioned.
The "Filters" button displays a drawer on the left that allows you to filter the results according to different criterias.
<aside> ☝ The first tab allows to filter classification node
The first Tab claaed Navigation allows you to filter by class. By clicking in the classification field, the list of classifications available in the platform is displayed, you choose one of them by clicking on its name.
The list of nodes in the classification is then displayed. Some grayed out nodes are not accessible because no object is associated with this class in the library. Clicking on an active node displays all the objects of the selected level as well as those hierarchically below it.
To delete a Search by classification, simply click on the cross that appears when you move the mouse over its name.
<aside> ☝ The second tab allows to filter on different criterias.
Simply click in the "Properties" field, the list of all available properties in the objects is available. If you have previously selected a classification, the number of available properties will necessarily be smaller.
After selecting a property, the list of available values is displayed, so you can then select several values of them.
As for the classification, when flying over the property, a cross allows you to remove this property from the search.
You can add as many properties as you wish in the search. Each property and the chosen values filter the number of objects displayed on the right.