If an object that has been downloaded from Onfly has undergone a modification in the project or even in the family editor, you can send these changes to the library so that all your collaborators have the latest improvements.

This action can be done individually (sending changes to a single object) or in batch (several objects at the same time).

If you do this individually from the family editor or the project, you will receive a message that allows you to indicate a message representing the change you are making to the object.


If, on the other hand, you do it in batch, you can also indicate this message but it will affect all objects. That is to say, the same message for all objects.


In both windows you will see a blue tag to the right of each object. This indicates to which space the object belongs.

If you have objects in different spaces in your project and your user has creation rights in all of them, you will be able to submit changes without changing the space. In a single action you will be able to update all objects in all spaces.

After the process has finished, the version of the object will have increased by one number, i.e. if the version of the object was "Revision N", the new version will be "Revision N+1".

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👉 Other pages related with the Revit 4.0 plugin:

Introduction - Revit Plugin 4.0


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